Acrylic Technologies, Inc.

Acrylic Technologies Inc. is located in Portland, Oregon, USA. We manufacture interior coatings that are shipped throughout the United States and Canada. Our trademark brand is Acrylitex, but we also manufacture for private label. Acrylic Technologies distributes through drywall and retail paint suppliers, lumber yards, and hardware stores throughout the United States and Canada.

Product Namesort ascending Product Number Product Line Product Category Test start date Conformity Certificate
Acrylitex Smooth Wall 291017 Acrylitex Smooth Wall Paints 06/22/2018
Acrylitex Qwik Prep Plus 235017 Acrylitex Qwik Prep Plus Paints 06/22/2018
Acrylitex Qwik Prep 280017 Acrylitex Qwik Prep Paints 06/22/2018
Acrylitex MPI #50 Primer/Sealer 296017 Acrylitex MPI #50 Paints 07/03/2020